Snow Removal
For public safety reasons, Snow Removal does not begin until after it has stopped snowing and blowing. Plowing of residential streets will be completed as soon as possible, but is dependant on snowfall amounts, conditions, and unanticipated breakdowns, etc.
Plowing/Sanding Route Priorities:
- 1st: major arterials (Emery Ave, Main Street, Hancock Ave, 5th Street, 6th Street, A Ave)
- 2nd: major arterials (B Ave, C Ave, Folson Way)
- 3rd: All other residential streets
The Cities goal is to plow all streets within 24 hours after the snowfall ends. Additional snow and high wind can complicate our attempts to meet this goal.
Ice Control: Sand trucks sand major and secondary arteries first with premixed sand/salt. Residential areas are done as time permits.
During the winter months we ask that you do not park on the streets.